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  • About About

    Leadership Beaver County is a cohort-based program, with a maximum of twenty participants, designed for leaders whose primary residence or professional work is in Beaver County. Beginning in September 2024 and ending in May 2025, participants meet from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, usually on the third Thursday of each month.

    Outcomes for participants include:

    • Better understanding of the major institutions within Beaver County, and their mission and activities, as represented by those who lead them.
    • Increase in the capacity to lead effectively though the examination and application of leadership concepts and best practices.
    • Expanded opportunities to network among participants and session presenters. 

    Leadership Beaver County is designed for existing and emerging leaders within Beaver County. Our goal is to educate on the most important opportunities, challenges, and  issues within the county and region in order to cultivate diverse and well-rounded leaders to carry our community forward. 

    • Build relationships and learn from the most dynamic leaders in the region
    • Receive personalized leadership training to help you advance both professionally and personally 
    • Learn about the most pressing topics in the region through a combination of lectures, panels, tours, trips and more
    • Click here for FAQs                                             
  • Cost & Application Cost & Application

    Acceptance for Cohort VII is now closed.

    Download Application Here

    $1,500 + $25 non-refundable application fee
    Fee includes Orientation, 9 All-Day Sessions, Graduation, Breakfast and Lunch for all sessions.

    To apply for a scholarship, check the box at the end of the application stating that you would like to be considered for a scholarship. Scholarship applicants must still pay the $25 application fee. Pay $25 Application Fee.

  • Director Director

     Dr. Jim Dittmar, LeadershipBeaver County Director

     Dr. Jim Dittmar has been engaged in the field of leadership practice and development    
     for over five decades.  Jim began his leadership experiences as a high school
     teacher/coach and then as a school principal.  From those roles, he came to Geneva
     College and was instrumental in the development of the innovative Adult Degree
     Completion (ADP) Program.  

     Several years later, he founded the groundbreaking and award-winning M.S. in
     Organizational Leadership (MSOL) Program and served as its director and chair and
     professor of the Department of Leadership Studies for twenty years.  In addition, he
     created the Geneva Leadership Institute and started an annual Leadership Conference
     that featured notable leadership practitioners and authors from across the country as
     keynote speakers. In recognition of his research and publishing efforts he was selected for the “Excellence in Scholarship” award
     by his Geneva College peers.  

    Jim has been a reviewer for several popular leadership and ethics texts as well as serving on various dissertation committees.  He has also been a member of several community-based, non-profit boards.

    Dr. Dittmar received his bachelor’s degree from Geneva College, a master’s degree from Slippery Rock University and the Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.  In 2014, he founded the 3Rivers Leadership Institute and serves as its President and CEO.  He is co-author of the books The Leadership Carol and The LEADERS Model, author of the book Against All Odds: The Remarkable Transformation of Waynesburg University, and contributed chapters to the texts Leadership Essentials, edited by Dr. John Stanko, and the recently published Servant Leadership in Action, edited by Dr. Ken Blanchard and Renee Broadwell.

    *Attendance is mandatory for ALL sessions, orientation, and graduation. Emergency absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 
    • 1 Orientation

    • 9 sessions

    • Graduation

    Leadership sessions take place on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 8am to 3pm. 
    Orientation and 1st session begins in September.

    Full schedule with meeting locations and topics TBA.

  • Gallery Gallery

  • 2024-2025 Sponsors 2024-2025 Sponsors

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